The following games/simulations were submitted by your classmates.
-Viking Quest: An Epic Tale of Loot and Legend reviewed by Humberto
"In the beginning, the game give the player a brief description of the viking history. After a brief background of the game, the player is presented with it objectives. After its introduction, the player is presented with choices to make concerning is quest. After he or she makes their choice, the player makes his long voyage. Throughout the voyage, he encountered many obstacles and decisions that he or she has to make. These decisions included what boat to use, the people who get to go on this boat, how much money to borrow, war strategies, and different routs to take during his voyage. In sum, it is a game build on strategies and making decisions and ethics".
-On the Trail with John Smith reviewed by Shane
"The story is an interactive adventure where students get to play the role of John Smith, who help settle the first permanent English Colony in North America. The game goes through the different problems the Jamestown colony had as they tried to make their colony succeed".
-Simple Machines reviewed by Cathleen
"Simple machines takes a tour through a house allowing students a chance to identify the simple machines that are in the room. The student then has to answer questions about the type of machine and how it operates. They can review things like friction, gravity, fulcrums, etc. "
-Learn to Type 3 reviewed by Arnoldo
"Student will take a tour of the universe with Father Time. As they explore the universe, by working on typing lesson, father time will introduce student with fact from important individual in history. Students will have a history lesson on the biographies from such people as Abe Lincoln, Alexander the Great, etc."
-GeoGame reviewed by Walter
"Students identify cities using a set of clues (10/20) such as latitude and longitude, weather, population, land formations, and points of interest."
-Fun Brain Reading reviewed by Luis
"Provides practice in reading comprehension while the students practice verb usage, placement of nouns, and finding the right adjectives to use in a sentence. This game keeps the student interested and motivated with nice graphics and colors".
Great job on the Blog Dr. Abrego! --Thanks for the comments on the B&W Pic!!
Thanks for the comments on the project.
Wonderful job?
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